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174 of 630 lots
1917 Irish Convention, album of autographs of the delegates collected by Michael E. Knight, Unionist representative for Cavan Monaghan.
€500 - €700
Live Auction
The Eclectic Collector
12 by 21in. (30.5 by 53.3cm)
Description: The 94 signatures of all the delegates except Michael Knight, who collected them; a sample of his signature is included on a separate sheet loosely inserted; also a modern photographic reproduction of the delegates on the steps of the Dining Hall, Trinity College, mounted on card. (2)
Note: The Irish Convention was an assembly which sat in Trinity College Dublin, from July 1917 until March 1918 to address the Irish question. It was a response to the dramatically altered Irish political climate after the 1916 rebellion and proposed by David Lloyd George, in May 1917 to John Redmond, leader of the Irish Parliamentary Party, announcing that 'Ireland should try her hand at hammering out an instrument of government for her own people'.